Susan Schechter Leadership Development Fellowship
Introducing the 2006 Susan Schechter Fellow, Holly Mattson!
The Family Violence Prevention Fund and CONNECT, Inc. created the Susan Schechter Leadership Development Fellowship in 2005 to foster new leadership in the work to end violence against women and children. Schechter was co-author of Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence & Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice, popularly known as the "greenbook." She was one of the most accomplished and inspirational leaders in the movement to prevent abuse. She died of endometrial cancer in February, 2005.
Fellows are entering this work at a crucial historical moment that Susan Schechter herself best understood: a mature social movement that has yet to accomplish the goal of stopping the violence. Shortly before she was diagnosed with cancer, Susan wrote:
"As I work within the movement today, I am still amazed at what has been accomplished, surprised and disappointed by what we fail to foresee, and awed by the passion, pain and renewal in the work of liberating women from tyranny and violence. Luckily for me, revelations continue. May they also continue for those who come next!"
(Susan Schechter, April 2003. Published in Violence Against Women: Classic Papers (Allyn & Bacon, 2005).
Schechter's dream was to create a world in which violence no longer devastates the lives of women and children. To advance that dream, and strengthen and expand knowledge about how best to address family violence, the Fellowship includes one-on-one mentoring, a stipend, and opportunities to participate in national and local conferences.. Fellows will be expected to develop tangible projects that provide a practical contribution to the field.
Those eligible include:
- Survivors of violence in the home, including child witnesses to abuse;
- Those who have some work experience, either professional or volunteer, in the field, and who have demonstrated their leadership and have a commitment to continuing their work on violence against women and children; and
- Those able to conceptualize a project that lends practical value to the work Susan Schechter advanced.
Both funds and qualified applicants for the Fellowship are being sought. Click here for more information about the fellowship or email