Attorney General Eric Holder opens the National Summit on the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment
In June, over 300 professionals around the country working on issues related to the intersection of domestic violence and child maltreatment convened in Jackson Hole, WY to share their strategies for transforming the way child welfare agencies, domestic violence organizations, courts, other service providers, and communities respond to families in need. Attorney General Eric Holder kicked off the National Summit with remarks demonstrating his commitment to families experiencing domestic violence and child maltreatment on a personal and professional level. Listen to his Remarks (link to: )
In 1999, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) published Effective Interventions in Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice. This publication, commonly referred to as “the Greenbook” due to its green cover, is helping child welfare, domestic violence service providers and family courts work together more effectively to serve families experiencing violence. Since the Greenbook’s release, dozens of communities around the country have used it to improve their policies and practices and developed enhanced coordination among courts and social service agencies to better serve families in need.
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From 2000-2007, the United States Departments of Health and Human Services and Justice funded six demonstration sites across the country. The demonstration sites joined battered women’s organizations, child protection agencies, the courts, and other partners in implementing the Greenbook’s recommendations. NCJFCJ, Family Violence Prevention Fund and the American Public Humane Association provided technical assistance to the sites. Every local site was evaluated individually, and a comprehensive national evaluation was conducted at the completion of the initiative. To read the evaluations please click “Greenbook Initiative” above.
Many lessons were learned and products such as training curriculums, community assessment tools and multimedia materials were developed and collected to assist others in doing this work. These items are available on this website. Please visit “Tools and Resources” and the individual demonstration sites for site specific products.
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