What is the "Greenbook?"
Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence & Child Maltreatment
Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice, also known as the
"Greenbook," is a set of recommendations designed to help
dependency courts and child welfare and domestic violence
agencies better serve families experiencing violence. The
Family Violence Department of the National Council of Juvenile
& Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) brought together a diverse,
expert committee to develop the "Greenbook" over many months.
Its recommendations are being used, formally and informally,
by hundreds of communities across the nation and around the
Why is the "Greenbook" necessary?
Some studies show that as many as half of men who abuse their
spouses also abuse their children. When domestic violence
coincides with child maltreatment, courts and child welfare
and domestic violence agencies may all be called upon to help.
These groups have different protocols and different goals,
and often fail to coordinate effectively. The result can be
ineffective interventions and additional trauma to families
that are already under great stress. In worst-case scenarios,
the systems work at cross-purposes and children can be taken
from their battered mother, who is blamed for allowing them
to be exposed to violence. The "Greenbook" offers recommendations
that can help communities respond more effectively and do
much more to protect and support families experiencing violence.
How does the "Greenbook" project aim to change the status
Too often, women and children in violent situations are victimized
twice: first by the abuser, and second by the very systems
that are designed to help them. The "Greenbook" recommendations
are designed to promote safety by teaching judicial, child
welfare and domestic violence workers to coordinate more effectively.
The goal is to keep women and children safe, allow women in
violent relationships to access services without fear of losing
custody of their children, and in most cases to prevent the
removal of a child from a non-abusive parent. When social
service and court workers coordinate, all family members are
more likely to receive the counseling and support that they
How were the sites chosen for the "Greenbook Initiative?"
Six counties received $1.05 million each in federal grants over seven years to implement new collaborations. These counties - Grafton County, New Hampshire; El Paso County, Colorado; Lane County, Oregon; Santa Clara County, California; San Francisco County, California; and St. Louis County, Missouri - also received ongoing technical assistance and support through the grant period. The six counties were selected from more than 100 applicants in a rigorous selection process run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Justice. Many other sites that did not receive federal funding are using the "Greenbook" to improve collaboration across agencies and alter their policies and practices.
Have the jurisdictions that are part of the "Greenbook" test
program had positive results?
The six federally funded counties that were part of the "Greenbook" project discovered and continue to discover new ways for juvenile courts and child welfare and domestic violence agencies to work together to aid and support families. They are succeeding in breaking down barriers and overcoming long-standing mistrust between departments. Evaluations from some of the demonstration sites are available under the Greenbook Initiative page, click here.
Are other jurisdictions implementing all or part of the "Greenbook"
NCJFCJ has distributed more than 22,000 copies of the "Greenbook"
to judges, domestic violence advocates, child welfare workers
and other around the country in response to requests, which
continue to pour in. The Council will continue to make it
available and to share the results of its work in order to
help other communities better address the intersection of
child maltreatment and domestic violence.