Lane County encompasses 4,600 square miles in Oregon, ranging
from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Mountains. Eighty percent of the area is forestland, and the local economy is very dependent on its resources. Lane County is a mix of urban and rural areas. It is a primarily white community (91 percent) with a combined minority population of less than 9 percent. The Latino community is the largest minority contingent (4 percent) and is increasing every year at a steady rate.
Family Violence Response Initiative:
The Greenbook
initiative in Lane County is called the Family Violence Response
Initiative (FVRI).
FVRI's initial primary partners were the Juvenile Justice Courts of Lane County (JJC), the Child Welfare (DHS/CHS Child Welfare - Service Delivery Area 5), and Womenspace Domestic Violence Services (WS). FVRI also included Lane County Parole and Probation as a primary partner. The Lane County Department of Children and Families (DCF) acted as the lead fiscal and administrative agency for FVRI.
FVRI’s initial governance structure featured a Policy Group, composed of the director of DCF; the manager of the Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Welfare unit in Lane County; the director of Womenspace; the domestic violence service provider in the county; the Lane County dependency judge; and a representative from the Family Advisory Council. In May 2001, the first FVRI strategic planning meeting took place and after that, the Policy Group met regularly to discuss implementation strategies.
In fall of 2001, the Policy Group reviewed the governance structure to assess effectiveness in implementation activities. During this review, the group decided to reconfigure the structure, creating an Executive Committee and an Advisory Committee. The Executive Committee included the directors of the primary partners; the Advisory Committee membership was designed to be more inclusive, including other groups as called for by the project. This new structure included individuals and representatives from a broader range of organizations than those represented in the Policy Group. In addition, the membership of the Advisory Committee included middle managers and those providing direct services in their organizations. This group, which met every two months for the remainder of the grant, provided guidance and support to the Executive Committee.
Lane County’s final grant application proposed three overarching goals and seven objectives. The overarching goals were to:
1. Increase the safety and well being of domestic violence survivors and their children.
2. Decrease the incidence of repeat abuse.
3. Hold batterers accountable.
The objectives were later refined during a collaborative logic model development process that began in the summer of 2001. The final objectives were to:
I. Develop and implement internal and cross system protocols.
II. Support and enhance the provision of collaborative case work.
III. Improve the community’s capacity to hold offenders accountable.
IV. Increase competency about domestic violence and child maltreatment and increase knowledge of practice and mandates of FVRI’s primary partners.
V. Increase grassroots and systems engagement in strategies that improve the community’s response to domestic violence and child maltreatment.
FVRI partners and staff undertook numerous activities to meet these objectives. Among the key activities were review and adaptation of the internal policies and procedures of the targeted systems, expansion and enhancement of joint service models, implementation of activities identified by the Batterer Intervention Committee of the Lane County Domestic Violence Council (DV Council), development and implementation of cross-training, implementation of the Neighbor-to-Neighbor partnership, and integration of Greenbook principles into local, state, and national planning efforts. Some projects were joint efforts with other area committees or groups, other projects new areas initiated by FVRI.
FVRI's Newsletters:
March 2002
April 2002
May 2002
June 2002
August 2002
September 2002
October 2002
November/December 2002
January 2003
February 2003
March/April 2003
May 2003
June 2003
September 2003
November 2003
January 2004
March 2005
Contact Information:
Diana Avery
Former Greenbook Project Coordinator
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