Multimedia Awareness Tools

Domestic Relations Mediation and Family Violence Brochure (PDF)

MAVA - Pledge of Non-Violence (PDF)

STOP Family Violence Media Campaign (PDF)
MAVA - "Stand Up" Flyer (PDF)
MAVA - "She Is" Flyer (PDF)
MAVA - "Men" Flyer (PDF)

Power Points:
Living Domestic Violence: Prisoners of a Very Private War (PDF)
Batterers as Partners, Batterers as Parents (PDF)
Children Living Domestic Violence (PDF)
Screening and Documenting Coercive Control (PDF)
Batterer Accountability (PDF)
Guide to the Perspective and Safety Needs of Battered Women (PDF)

Teleconference Audio Series:
Domestic Violence and Child Welfare Reform Fall 2007
If you are having trouble accessing the audio conference, or if you would like an audio recording of the teleconference as well as the PowerPoint presentations and additional reading materials, please email

Download the PDF Now!

New Resource for caregivers!

Connect: Helping caregivers talk to kids about violence against women, Issue 2

Connect is a mini-magazine for foster parents and kin that provides information on meeting the needs of children who have been exposed to domestic violence and are in the child welfare system.The second issue feature article discusses ways relative caregivers can promote resiliency among foster children who have been exposed to violence. The issue also covers the effect of violent video games on kids as well as provides information for foster fathers on how they can set a positive example for the children in their care by becoming a Founding Father.

Order Free copies Now!

Order other materials from the Family Violence Prevention Fund

Additional Tools:

This page was last modified on April 18, 2008